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Going After More Offerings

The Going After More series are designed to help you get on the path and create the life that you're longing to live.  

Journey through these series to come alive to new possibilities yourself and your life.  

What You Get!

Life is good. 
Plenty to be thankful for.
But, you expected more. 

Mostly it’s just a passing thought but today it brought you here.
You want to move into doing something towards this “more” that you think about sometimes. 

This is the place.

When you join us you’ll will receive several things:

  1.     Self-confidence to take the steps you haven’t taken.

  2.     Clarity about what it is you really want.

  3.     The ability to do life outside of your comfort zone.

  4.     More results in meeting your goals. 

  5.     A community of fellow travelers to help you on this journey.

Discover MORE here!

Each series includes four 90-min group coaching workshops and the power C’s: 

1. Coaching: Access to the high impact coaching and mentorship based on the experience and expertise of Ken & Kristen.  Together, they will show the way to elevate yourself and your life.

2. Community: Connect with like-minded, ambitious people.  You’ll get to know each other in breakout session and virtually through our private Facebook group.  This community inspires and learns from each other and with each other.  Together, your accelerated growth and progress will get you going on the path towards more. 

3. Consistency: Weekly live sessions hold you accountable to implement the tools, resources and insights.  Knowledge is power only when you put it into action.  The homework and pre-work provide structure and clarity for what’s the best next step. 

Individuals join the Going After More Series for:

Self-Development, Connection, Community, Clarity and Focus, Accountability

Courage to Take On My "Ideas for the Future"

Wandering Traveler

GAM Series 1:
Getting On The Path

Clarity & Direction

  • Week 1. Begin with What Matters to You: ​Uncover What Makes you YOU

  • Week 2. Let’s Get Real: ​Where are you now & what’s holding you back

  • Week 3. You’ve Got What It Takes: ​Step into your genius & unique power

  • Week 4. Taking the Leap: ​Going after what you want, for real this time.

The Leap

GAM Series 2:
Practicing Courage & Creating Results

Courage & Results

  • Week 1. Where are You Stuck? ​
    And How to Get Unstuck

  • Week 2. Authenticity & Courage:​ 
    Facing Your Blindspots

  • Week 3. Why Am I Like This? 
    Understanding Why We Do the Things We Do

  • Week 4. Accelerate Your Journey: ​Overcoming Your Personal Bullshit

Reach the Top

GAM Series 3:
Consistent & Authentic

In Action As Your Truest Self

  • Week 1: Bring What Ya Got, Use What Ya Got

  • Week 2: Finding your Inauthenticity 

  • Week 3: From Surviving to Thriving With Our Made-Up Bullshit

  • Week 4: Practice Makes People--You Are What You Do

Hikers High Five

GAM Mastermind Membership**

Commitment & Accountability

Commit to your personal growth, continued progress towards your MORE and with a community of like-minded individuals.

Each month you'll gain new tools to support you in taking action, expanding your self-awareness and leveraging the community's wisdom to get after your big goals.

Meets 2x/month, 3 month commitment

** Begins October 2020

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